Andras Szieberth
14439 47th Rd. Wellborn, FL 32094
(386) 965-4621
- 1994-1997 Doctoral student, Agronomy, Iowa State University
- 1990-1994 MS Agricultural Chemistry, Pannon University, Hungary
- 1988-1990 BS Agriculture, Pannon University, Hungary
- 1994-1996 Graduate Research Assistant, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
- 1991 Graduate Research Assistant, ETH University, Zurich, Switzerland
- 1990 Graduate Research Assistant, Bayer Agriculture Research Facility, Leverkusen, Germany
- 1989-1990 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Pannon University, Hungary
Military Service:
- 1987-1988 Hungarian National Army
- 1998-present Owner/Head Trainer Prairie Pines Sporthorses, Wellborn, FL
- 1993-1998 Owner/Head Trainer Prairie Pines Sporthorses, Ames, IA
- 1993-1994 Adjunct Instructor, Equestrian Studies, Iowa State University
- 1992 Equestrian Team Trainer, Pannon University, Hungary
- 1991 Freelance Rider/Trainer, Zurich, Switzerland
- 1990 Rider, Reiterhof Gut Blee, Monheim, Germany
- 1988-1990 Student Hungarian Riding Academy, Pannon University
- American Riding Instructors’ Association (ARIA)
- Level 3 (Advanced) certification, dressage and show jumping
- Trained stallions Lasting Impression, Lansing and Lotus T from young horses to Grand Prix/Mini Prix levels in show jumping and regular working level in hunter division
- Bred, trained and gained full approval for four stallions with Belgian, Holsteiner and Rhinelander Associations.
- Bred numerous premium foals and performance tested premium mares for the American Holsteiner Horse Association.
- Bred, trained and showed numerous USDF DSHB winners
- Professional handler at sport horse breeding shows and at inspections for all major breed associations
- Prepared stallions for 100-day stallion test
- Competed with Holsteiner stallion Connecticut to win breed classes at Dressage at Devon
- Hosted annual Belgian Warmblood approvals at Prairie Pines Farm for past eight years
- Served on American Holsteiner Horse Association Board of Directors and Breeding Committee
- Conduted nationwide clinics in show jumping and dressage
- Conducted joint clinics with Olympic silver medalist Greg Best
- Guest speaker at major horse expositions including Equintana USA
- Successful A-circuit jumper competitor in the United States from 1.0-1.5 meters, hunter competitor from pre-green to regular working hunters, dressage from training level to Intermediare
- Successful jumper competitor in Europe from 1.0-1.6 meters, dressage from L to S levels
- International level swimmer, pentathlete and fencer
- Professional fencing instructor
- Collegiate national champion in 100 meter breaststroke in Hungary
- Hungarian military champion in 100 meter breaststroke
- Presidential Scholarship, 1989-91
- National All-Academic Collegiate Athlete, Hungary 1990-91
- Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Society, Iowa State University, 1993-94
- Frank Gombolay, Olympic and World Cup show jumping coach
- Hans Senn, International dressage and show jumping master
- Greg Best, Olympic silver medalist in show jumping
- Sigfried Winkler, German dressage master
- J.P. Giacomini, French classical dressage master
- Herwig Radnetter, trainer, Spanish Riding School in Vienna
- Dr. Katherine Kenning (Student): 843-450-3372
- Dr. Anne Moore (Owner, Kent Hill Farm): 303-324-6614
- Christie Gold (Student): 813-625-5070
- Frank Gombolay (International Show Jumping coach): 352-598-9543
- Polly Benson (Dressage Trainer; Owner, Firefly Farms): 612-803-8470
- Dr. Patricia Foley (USDA Veterinarian; former student/business partner): 515-597-3294